.. _ft3_compilers_and_dev_tools: Applications, compilers and development tools ============================================= **- Applications:** CESGA provides a wide variety of pre-built applications, optimized for Finisterrae III. The primary way these are provided in the session environment is through modules. Please use the command ``module spider`` to see the complete list of available applications or refer to the `Environmental modules `_ section. Applications are grouped into the following areas: - Comp: Compiler (key: **area_compiler**) - MPI: MPI library (key: **area_mpi**) - Bio: Bioinformatics (key: **area_bioinformatics**) - Chem: Chemistry and Materials (key: **area_chemistryandmaterials**) - Ed: Editor (key: **area_editor**) - ML: Machine Learning (key: **area_machinelearning**) - MPCFD: Multiphysics and CFD (key: **area_multiphysicsandcfd**) - Math: Math Library (key: **area_mathlibrary**) - Prof: Profiling (key: **area_profiling**) - ScA: Scientific Analysis (key: **area_scientificanalysis**) - Sim: Simulation (key: **area_simulation**) - Soft: Software Management (key: **area_softwaremanagement**) - Tool: Tool (key: **area_tools**) - VisF: Visualization and data formats (key: **area_visualizationanddataformats**) Using the key associated with each area, it is possible to search for the applications grouped in it using the `key` option of the ``module`` command. The full list of applications available can be found at `Cesga website `_ or at `available modules `_ section. **- Compilers:** Initially the recommended compilers for the C, C++, and Fortran languages are the included on the `IntelĀ® oneAPI HPC toolbox 2021.3 `_. This suite will be updated as new versions will be released. Also GNU compilers are available in different versions. **- MPI:** Intel MPI is included in the `IntelĀ® oneAPI HPC toolbox 2021.3 `_. Different OpenMPI versions (started from 4.0.5 version) are also available.